
Sotoansweryourquestion,yesandno.Thereareothermodsthatgivecolddmg,ormoremagsizelikeslipmagazineortaintedclip.Howevertherearenoother ...,Price:5platinum|TradingVolume:106|GetthebesttradingoffersandpricesforIceStorm.,IceStormisamodthatincreasesthemagazinecapacityandColddamageofPistols.Sourcedfromofficialdroptablerepository.,MissionType,Source,StarChartNodes,Rotations/DropTable,Chance,Quantity,Avg...

any other pistol mod like icestorm?

So to answer your question, yes and no. There are other mods that give cold dmg, or more mag size like slip magazine or tainted clip. However there are no other ...

Ice Storm

Price: 5 platinum | Trading Volume: 106 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Ice Storm.

Ice Storm - WARFRAME Wiki

Ice Storm is a mod that increases the magazine capacity and Cold damage of Pistols. Sourced from official drop table repository.

Ice Storm

Mission Type, Source, Star Chart Nodes, Rotations / Drop Table, Chance, Quantity, Avg. per roll. Nightmare Mode, Nightmare Mode Rescue.

Warframe Ice Storm

Ice Storm Related Mods ; 11. Deep Freeze. +90% ❄Cold. Pistol ; 7. Frostbite. +60% ❄Cold. +60% Status Chance. Pistol ; 11. Tainted Clip. +60% Magazine Capacity. - ...

Why does Ice Storm give more blast damage?

2019年2月23日 — I want to say it's because it increases the magazine. So it might be taking more bullets into account for damage.

冰风暴- 星际战甲| 戰甲神兵 - Warframe中文维基

泠燿 于2年前修改了此页面。 冰风暴 (英文名:Ice Storm). IceStormU227.png.

星际战甲:寒冰风暴 - Warframe中文维基

寒冰风暴 (英文名:Ice Storm). 寒冰风暴.png. 错误: 没有寒冰风暴这个MOD. 错误: 没有寒冰风暴这个MOD. 基本信息. 极性, 无效. 稀有度, 错误: 没有寒冰风暴这个MOD.

3DMARK - Android 手機螢幕顯示效能評測工具

3DMARK - Android 手機螢幕顯示效能評測工具
